He was born in September 7, 1947 and educated at Eton and Durham University. He served in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in Dar-es-Salaam 1974-5 and Tokyo 1978-82, where he resigned as a First Secretary, then had two years with the Industrial Bank of Japan International Ltd., London. From 1985-88 he was Senior Representative in Tokyo of Laurie Milbank & Co., and is now Japan Manager for the Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations. He married in Jan 1981, Kazue, daughter of Tsuruo and Shizuko Sayama. They have two sons, Alan Kazihiro Sayama, 1981 and William Akihiro, 1987.
Reprinted from: Lidderdale, Halliday Adair, The Descendants of John Lidderdale 1783-1845, 1988 unpublished manuscript.